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- From: gblack@midland.co.nz (George Black)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research,sci.skeptic
- Subject: Re: Mr. FunGus -- Factually impoverished
- Date: Fri, 21 Jun 96 11:30:39 GMT
- Organization: Midland Internet Limited, Network Services
- Lines: 86
- Message-ID: <4qe1fd$28s@midland.co.nz>
- References: <4ovsuv$qju@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <31c4d3d5.8837981@news.primenet.com> <4q3qrp$jup@macondo.dmu.ac.uk> <4q4cse$8qq@agate.berkeley.edu> <4q6ofs$rs@macondo.dmu.ac.uk> <4q7ims$oeu@agate.berkeley.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: gblack.midland.co.nz
- X-Newsreader: News Xpress Version 1.0 Beta #4
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:88772 alt.paranet.ufo:54014 alt.alien.research:26364 sci.skeptic:73181
- >>A low altitude flight might be consistent with an aircraft that had to be
- >>kept 'ventilated' to prevent CO2 buildup from dry ice. Does 'Tim' record if
- >>he was *instructed* to fly low, and if so, did he ask why? Do weather
- >>records show any mundane reasons why he might've kept to a low ceiling, for
- >>instance?
- It may well have been that, as is claimed that 'the guards' had to travel with
- the 'cargo' in an area of the aeroplane that was unpressurised.
- A query here is -since the aeroplane -was- pressurised and the bombbay was not
- where would any accomodation for these 'guards' be sited since of course (and
- logically) there is nowhere in an unpressurised bombbay for humans taking into
- regard the need for safety harness, Oxygen (since their atmosphere was full of
- CO2) and communications.
- >occurred at low altitude with guards in the bomb bay because the bay wasn't
- >pressurized. Whether there was something biological packed in dry ice isn't
- >clear from Tim's or Slusher's reports.
- secure airbase to secure airbase, who were they guarding it *from*?
- >
- >Don't ask me to understand the workings of the military mind. Why would
- officer
- >MPs be used to guard the general's furniture?
- Again, how big is this alledged crate? Was it the size of a nuke?? Was it the
- size of a current nuke?? The means of delivering the 'nuke' that dropped onto
- Hirosima was by means of a crate on the deck of a ship.
- >In yet another account of what happened, Frank Kaufmann, who claims to have
- been
- >Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. What's the point? Slusher and 'Tim'
- weren't
- >the pilots, in any case. Tim's only relevant comment is that the officer crew
- >members went to base operations for flight clearance and briefing. This
- >included Martucci. Attempts to check the rest of the crew named by Slusher
- and
- >Tim have been made, but the pilot was killed in a crash 2 years after
- Roswell.
- >And Martucci won't talk.
- Convenient isn't it :=))))
- >>Back
- >>to the CO2 buildup again - were the guards in the bomb bay with the case?
- >
- >As noted above, yes.
- >
- >How so if the bomb bay was ventilated? If the bodies were prefrozen and
- >well-insulated in the box, not much dry ice would be needed to maintain them
- >between packing and transport to Fort Worth.
- >
- >>And finally, in the
- >>chill at 4000ft,
- >
- >What chill? This was July in the desert on a hot sunny day. It was probably
- >90+ degrees in the bomb bay. 4000 ft isn't that high.
- You have never flown. The term density altitude and the term ICAN are not in
- your vocab. No, dont tell me I guessed
- >ALL relevant records from this time period seem to be missing. Not just from
- >Roswell but from Fort Worth and Wright Field as well. For example, the GAO
- >found that the records for the Roswell aviation MP's for 1946 and 1947 were
- >missing, and the base communications from 1946-1949 were deliberately
- destroyed.
- >Both would tell us a tremendous amount about what really happened in July
- 1947.
- This is heresay (and rubbish) Can you provide documentation from ANY AirForce
- base whether American, Canadian, English, French, German, Russian, Chinese as
- to the air movement on a particular day in any particular year. What was
- carried to where why and when ??
- The airbase that you are so intent upon ( AT THAT DATE ) was the ONLY nuke
- trained base in America.
- >I think the point is not why SOME of the documentation is missing, which
- might
- >be understandable, but why is ALL of it missing?
- The military are odd people. If nothing happens they are liable to not report
- it. Saves on paper.
- George Black Hamilton New Zealand
- gblack@midland.co.nz
- 3:774/605.112
- If you think you have a problem